Membership Hold

Putting Your Membership on Hold

If you are going away on vacation, are injured, have a medical procedure, or just have a busy month coming up you can place your ceramic membership on hold for up to 2 months each year. The 2 months on hold can be consecutive or separate. We ask for ideally a weeks notice via email if you intend on putting your membership on hold, though we understand things can happen last minute.

What does being “on hold” mean?
Putting your membership on hold means that you cannot use the studio for making, glazing or firing for 30 days. Feel free to pick up pots you glazed before you were put on hold but please refrain from using the space during your hold period. We are unable to accommodate putting membership on hold for part of a month. Please note, we can only put a membership on hold for a full month, not part of the month.

What happens to my monthly fees when on hold?
For your first month on hold you will pay a $50.00 holding fee. Your second month on hold you will pay the half membership rate of $92.50 as the holding fee. These fees replace your monthly membership fee and allow you to keep your workspace in the studio. These fees can be paid on this page.


Please notify Sara if you would like to put your membership on hold via email at